I wonder who “they” are in this case? The Jews with the space lasers?

  • @Dorkyd68
    235 months ago

    To a very low extent she’s somewhat correct. I’ll preface by say mtg is an idiot

    Cloud seeding is a thing where an aircrafct drops something into clouds and it somewhat adjusts the type of precipitation. And nasa has a machine that simulates extremely loud rockets and it shoots out a mix of hydrogen and oxygen “h2o?” and it creates a cloud that will actually rain. However this is only done in one place i know of and is somewhere in the middle of nowhere Mississippi.

    To what extent does mtg think weather can be controlled or created is the question and i imagine she’s implying we can steer a hurricane or send tornados to our enemies

    • Echo Dot
      75 months ago

      If you shoot a rocket into the air that contains a lot of water and then it rains that’s not really modifying the weather that’s just a very complicated sprinkler system.

      • @Dorkyd68
        5 months ago

        But it’s not a rocket that’s shot into the air. It’s almost like opening a massive flood gate with unimaginable psi. Then a cloud floats on up and creates rain.

        The machine is meant to mimic rocket launches so they can better be studied.

        No rockets are ever launched though

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      Yeah, I’d say that they (an in governments or those with enough money+power) can influence the weather, but full control is still not possible