Drugs, alcohol, and now coffee! I’ve used a variety of substances to self medicate while in a depressed mood. A few years ago I cut out cannabis, and I stay away from using alcohol when I’m down, but I have no limits with coffee. It seems like I can drink as much as I want whenever I want and it doesn’t create the same problems it does when my mood is better.

  • @kometes
    97 hours ago

    Mind your sleep schedule, otherwise enjoy…

    • trainsaresexyOP
      36 hours ago

      It doesn’t seem to affect me in the way it normally does. I can drink coffee at 6 and sleep at 1130.

      • @[email protected]
        54 hours ago

        The half-time of caffeine in our bodies is pretty long, like 6 hours IIRC. Might affect the quality of sleep even if you manage to fall asleep

      • @NegativeInf
        136 hours ago

        Paradoxical stimulant response and substance abuse disorder points to ADHD, often misdiagnosed in adults as anxiety and depression.

        I was misdiagnosed for 10 years with no effect from the meds for anxiety and depression. Stimulant meds work well for me. Not for everyone tho.

        • trainsaresexyOP
          36 hours ago

          How did you end up getting diagnosed?

          • @NegativeInf
            24 hours ago

            Asked my therapist to refer me to a psychiatrist that could do ADHD testing. They did an interview and 2 different IQ tests. Now I see my psychiatrist every 30 days to get my controlled substance prescription.

          • ShaunaTheDead
            14 hours ago

            If you’re in Canada, there’s an online service called Frida https://www.talkwithfrida.com/

            I was personally diagnosed by a psychiatrist who I was referred to by my family doctor. I think you have to go through a psychiatrist at least while you’re titrating your dose but then your family doctor may be able to take over once you’re about where you need to be.