Drugs, alcohol, and now coffee! I’ve used a variety of substances to self medicate while in a depressed mood. A few years ago I cut out cannabis, and I stay away from using alcohol when I’m down, but I have no limits with coffee. It seems like I can drink as much as I want whenever I want and it doesn’t create the same problems it does when my mood is better.

  • @apfelwoiSchoppen
    5 months ago

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, American Heart Association, etc recommend a 400mg daily limit for caffiene. It may be affecting you in more ways than you know.

    • trainsaresexyOP
      55 months ago


      I’m still under that or about there. I had 3 french presses and a moka pot yesterday, that’s a bit above 400mg but represents peak consumption.

      Also, I don’t think I care. Better than the alternatives I have access to.