Browsing social media, it’s apparent that people are quick to point out problems in the world, but what I see less often are suggestions for how to solve them. At best, I see vague ideas that might solve one issue but introduce new ones, which are rarely addressed.

Simply stopping the bad behaviour rarely is a solution in itself. The world is not that simple. Take something like drug addiction. Telling someone to just stop taking drugs is not a solution.

  • @Cryophilia
    45 months ago

    You want a realistic solution or a “if I had one wish” solution?

    If every US Republican were to die of a heart attack right now, that would probably be the single greatest thing that could happen to our planet right now.

    • bizarroland
      35 months ago

      Your thinking is too limited.

      There’s a lot of reasons why someone might choose to be a republican that has nothing to do with being a soulless monster.

      A lot of them are stupid or have intestinal parasites that prevent them from thinking correctly.

      And the world is not the United States, so if you have the power to wipe out an entire group of people, you should just destroy all of the assholes on the planet. Anyone who’s like more than 40% asshole just poof they’re gone.

      I think I’d be in the clear cuz I believe I’m only in like the 30% range myself, but if I had to take one for the team that’s okay. (Totally not saying that just to put myself below the 40% line)

      • @Cryophilia
        25 months ago

        There’s a lot of reasons why someone might choose to be a republican that has nothing to do with being a soulless monster.

        Ok but how do you quantify that? Same with “kill all assholes”. Doesn’t work. It’s a completely subjective label.

        And like it or not the US is by far and away the most powerful and influential nation in the world. Removing Republicans effectively changes the GLOBAL political landscape.