• @barsquid
    55 months ago

    More mask-off than your usual MAGA posting. Good to see you’re still cosplaying in the comments, I guess.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
      -75 months ago

      I didn’t write the article. Were you under the impression I did? And did you notice that it said vote against TRUMP and Harris? Not really MAGA if it’s talking about voting against Trump, friend.

      Actually I think you’re the one who’s MAGA. You come here to sow doubt, discontent, accusations. Come on, you know you are trying to get people confused so Trump wins. Admit it.

      • @barsquid
        25 months ago

        You’re transparent. People call you out for it, then you get upset and contrive a, “no, you,” as a response.

        What you write here is not much different from your contrived “voting Harris is taking votes from viable third parties,” completely ignoring the definition of “viable.”

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          -85 months ago

          No, actually this is all you, friend. You are sowing discontent and trying to make people suspicious of each other. I totally see what you are doing. You are trying to win this for Trump.

          Every vote for Harris is stealing a vote from third-party candidates who represent real change. By sidelining those voices, you’re indirectly helping Trump win!

          If you really want to avoid a Trump win, supporting a viable alternative outside the two-party system is the only way to push the conversation forward.

          • @barsquid
            25 months ago

            Wow, exactly as I wrote. Surprising. You claim to be old enough to vote but you behave like a stubborn preteen who knows they’re wrong but desperately wants to win the argument because of wounded pride.

            Unfortunate that you’re so entrenched in MAGA, as it is a disgusting ideology.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              -75 months ago

              Actually I’m not MAGA, because I’m not voting for Trump. You, however, are MAGA. You are a MAGA plant. Admit it. You’re here trying to make people confused and angry.

              I’m not voting for your guy, Trump. I know that makes you angry, but accept it. Thank you!

              • @barsquid
                25 months ago

                You have to ignore the definition of “confused” for that to even approach making sense. Just like you have to ignore the definition of “viable” in your other “no, you” responses.

                Everyone can see what you are doing. The only person who is confused is you, believing that it is working.

                • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                  5 months ago

                  So tell me, what’s it like being a MAGA troll? Do you all sit around and like find out who has the personality type for trolling, or maybe one just for saying they are a democrat and pretending to hate Trump, or one specifically to accuse others.

                  How does that work? Or is it a random draw kinda thing?

                  Everyone can see what you are doing. The only person who is confused is you, believing that it is working.

                  Check out the name of the community you are in, comrade. Get the fuck outta here with your Trump-loving nonsense self. lmao

          • @AnarchistSith
            15 months ago

            Fuck off, troll. You’re so blatantly obvious.