• @[email protected]M
    5 months ago

    I’ve had the pleasure of using one, and the reasons for its continued use are many, but I’ll list a few:

    • Proven design that works well
    • Ease of maintenance (except from that one bit you absolutely have to remember to flip forward before inserting the bolt carrier, lest you have to drill in from the side to file it off to unjam the bolt carrier)
    • Objectively cool
    • Adds three inches to your penis size (men), a couple of letters to the cup size (women), or either/both for anyone else
    • NATO has literal tonns upon tones of ammo for it. Tha m82 shooter is sure as hell not removing the linked chains from all of it so he can carry it around himself.
    • @warbond
      5 months ago

      Trying to think of what bit you have to flip…

      Are you talking about the cocking lever? It needs to be pushed forward prior to pushing the bolt all the way forward into battery, because it catches in a notch at the top of the receiver in order to cock the firing pin (bolt goes back, lever flips forward, and vice versa). But if you put the bolt in with the cocking lever back, which people do a lot, the lever gets stuck on the timing arm attached to the receiver. Barely an inconvenience. But…

      Did somebody jam that sumbitch in there so good that you had to destroy the motherfucker? Because that is fucking insane. That’s like breaking a steel framing hammer. Like, I get it, but… How!?

      • @[email protected]M
        45 months ago

        It’s been 20 years since I lasted opened an m2, so I don’t remember exactly, but the part I’m talking about is a fairly nondescript metal piece sticking up from the bolt carrier. I may remember it incorrectly that it has to be back and not forward.

        Also, the drill + file is what I was told. I never saw it happen.