My follow up curiosity: how can we find success & sustainability in meeting our basic needs and security by turning our backs right back on global industry (and government) by working inward within our local communities?

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    The only uniquely human pursuits are art and human connection. Those both fly directly in the face of what our sick society values. There is no freedom (or success and sustainability) until we find a way to end runaway consumption.

    • @[email protected]
      -45 months ago

      Runaway consumption is a choice by individuals.

      Many of my friends just seem to be like Coneheads. That was not how I was raised. I dislike buying anything, unless I really have to.

      My phone is 4 years old, another in my family is from 2017. My car is almost 20. I refuse to buy shit just to have something “new”.

      Don’t blame the seller for what the consumer wants (except for all the dark patterns, marketing BS, etc - now that I can squarely put on the companies, and would like a return to tighter controls, and stronger legal options).