• @apfelwoiSchoppen
      10 days ago

      If you think this started with October 7th, I have 70 years of oppression, land theft, and genocide for you to look into.

      • @[email protected]
        410 days ago

        All conflicts have causes, and yes, they’re old and complicated in this case. But it’s not technically wrong to say that this particular bout of extreme violence started on Oct. 7th.

        So it’s fair to say that this tweet was lacking important context but that’s the nature of tweets. It seems insane to call the man a nazi just for that.

        • @apfelwoiSchoppen
          10 days ago

          This conflict isn’t complicated from a who started it perspective and who is being genocided. Since the beginning of Israel, the intent was to illegally seize land, murder anyone in the path who objected, then subjugate with segregation and apartheid the remaining people. All the while the international community turns a blind eye because the US running interference with “it’s complicated”.

          Palestinians have lived in walled in open air prisons, without ability to leave, without adequate food and water, in fear of being bombed or sniped for decades. Of course they may lash out against their oppressors. They have every fucking right.

          • @[email protected]
            10 days ago

            Every conflict is complicated. Just because you want it to be cops and robbers doesn’t make it so.

            Nazi genocide was complicated. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t clear who needed to be stopped but it’s insulting to our intelligence to try to paper over these complexities because people think we can’t act to stop war crimes if we acknowledged that they occurred on both sides.

            Edit: the above comment was edited considerably to be more nuanced than the one I originally replied to. But I want to point out that who started it is only one of many relevant facts here. Particularly because the original zionists are all dead at this point.

            Palestinians have a right to fight for liberation but not to kill random civilians. Hamas in particular is an authoritarian organization of religious fanatics that oppress Palestinians and endorse murdering civilians. They are not a useful part of the struggle for liberation and have made things much much worse through their actions.

            • @apfelwoiSchoppen
              210 days ago

              OK it is clear who is at fault. Thanks for the word pedantry.

              • @[email protected]
                010 days ago

                More than one person or group can be at fault. And they can be at fault for different aspects of the overall situation and to different degrees. You are oversimplifying and then attacking people for refusing to uncritically accept your oversimplified narrative. It’s actually extremely counterproductive to the cause of Palestinian liberation.

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      10 days ago

      The Genocide most certainly did not start on October 7. And his attempt of shoving in the debunked rape hoax is just pathetic.Also the 1200 number is impressively stupid to quote after an entire year since it’s false

      • @[email protected]
        10 days ago

        Why does everything bad in the world need to be labeled genocide nowadays to be taken seriously? Gazans were living in horrible conditions prior to Oct 7th but how can there have been genocide while population growth rate was among the highest in the world? This seems to stretch the definition of the word beyond all recognition.

        As far as your other claims I’d be interested to see the evidence if you can share it. Most of my reading happened earlier on and there were a lot of conflicting claims and misinformation flying. I assume by now we’ve got closer to the truth. My understanding is there were cases of rape even though many were exaggerated or even fabricated in some cases. I don’t know what you mean by the 1200 thing as that’s not mentioned in the tweet here. Are you referring to another post?

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          10 days ago

          Bernie mentioned the 1200 in his full tweet. The real number is 1139.

          Not everything is labeled Genocide. What is happening in Gaza is. Because it is Genocide.

          Claiming only the last year was Genocide is like saying the Holocaust only happened in 1944 which was the mass extermination, and ignoring the part where people were put in concentration camps.

          Shoving more people in a concentration camp is not “population growth”. Israel was systematically bombing and starving Gaza for a very long time.