The Georgia Supreme Court on Monday reinstated a law in the southern US state prohibiting abortions for women who are more than six weeks pregnant, one week after it was struck down by a lower court.

  • @chuckleslord
    222 days ago

    I’m going to rephrase your question into one that is much more valuable. At what point in fetal development is an abortion ban reasonable? And the answer is… at no point is a ban reasonable.

    Any arbitrary number you pick to start the ban is going to result in women needlessly dying. It’s a fucking medical procedure. One that is often needed to be used to save a woman from a fetus that has no chance of survival. By thinking you’re more moral than the people actually making real, difficult moral decisions, people who have all of the relevant info needed to make such a decision while your ban has none, you will cause unnecessary death and suffering.

    Let the people who will actually be affected by the decision make it, and keep your crayon-colored rules of morality to yourself.

    • @[email protected]
      82 days ago

      An outright ban is never reasonable if it is a matter of safety.

      It is however worth noting that general viability for survival outside of the womb is 24 weeks (6 months), so there are some arguments to be made about a ban on “voluntary” abortions past that point. Not saying they’re good arguments, but that’s where the line is if anyone is looking for the clearest one we currently have.

    • @Mango
      -92 days ago

      You’re taking a very specific scenario and applying that across the board like it should be a free pass. Women generally aren’t dying in childbirth. If you read my comments elsewhere in this post, you’ll see I’m fine with picking the lesser evil when it’s necessary.

      • @chuckleslord
        61 day ago

        You don’t get to pick the lesser evil with a fucking ban. Since the Dobbs Decision, this is the reality on the ground. Women dying or nearly dying because of miscarriages or stillbirths and doctors won’t help because they know their R Attorney General is chomping at the bit for someone to be made an example of. Since Dobbs, OBGYNs in states with bans have been closing their practices and moving to other states, because they don’t want to have to choose between letting their patient die or breaking the law and definitely get sued. Women dying in spite of a clear federal cut-out if a women’s life is in danger, because either way you’re going to court.

        Oh, and to clarify, the Evangelical myth of a sex maniac woman who has abortions cause she likes it isn’t a fucking thing. Ending of voluntary abortion is just an excuse to punish women who have sex, as far as I’ve seen.

        Besides, abortion bans don’t even do the thing you want them to do. They don’t make abortions less prevalent, they make them more prevalent. Unless, of course, you actually want to punish women who have sex, in which case you can log off.

        You want to reduce the amount of abortions, for real? This is how you do it. Basic sex education before puberty begins (8 years old, in case you don’t know basic human biology) where anatomy, function, and the changes that occur during puberty is discussed. Comprehensive sex education before students become sexually active (12 years old, since 7.1% of young people lose their virginity before 13) which includes discussion of sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and the use of prophylactics. Freely available condoms. Done, abortions will reach historic lows and no one will have had to die to do it. Or does your crayon morals think teaching about sex increases its prevalence? Cause it doesn’t. Or maybe you just don’t like the idea of it being discussed? In which case, you’re choosing people dying over having awkward conversations.

        • @Mango
          -61 day ago

          You’re arguing against a lot of stuff that I’m not saying. Did you assume I’m defending this ban? Is that why everyone in here is down voting me? Y’all need to act less vicious in conversation. I’m only interested in ethics. I’m no statesman trying to buff up births for economics it whatever reason they claim. I’m actually literally an antinatalist.

          • @chuckleslord
            31 day ago

            Y’all need to act less vicious in conversation

            Did you just fucking hatch out of the ground yesterday? How in the actual fuck did you think questioning when an appropriate time to implement a fucking ban on abortion was going to lead to light-hearted discussion? People had their fucking rights stolen and their lives put in very real danger, but I’m sorry for not playing nice with your purely theoretical line of questions. You fucking suggested that people had abortions to get back at partners based on… nothing? Vibes? And you expect people to treat you with respect after that?

            Civility is an agreement between parties. It requires a mutual understanding of the weight of topics being discussed and an understanding of what the stakes are. You broke that agreement when you treated the topic of abortion with the same social weight that people use when idly gossiping. This isn’t some fun thought experiment or theoretical moral quandary with no stakes. People are dying because of this and you’re treating it like a fucking game. Fuck all the way off.

            • @Mango
              -61 day ago

              This is you.

              Babies are people too.

              • @chuckleslord
                11 day ago

                Yeah, and like I already said abortion bans don’t save any fetuses. Comprehensive sex ed does (because then they never get made).

                But you were having a theoretical conversation in the corner, weren’t you? Maybe once you’ve graduated to having a real conversation, you’ll be able to actually read and understand what others say.

                Also, I already told you to fuck off. So do that already.

                • @Mango
                  -21 day ago

                  You aren’t even having a conversation. You’re assuming I’m defending a man and running with that. You just decided I’m a bad guy and got mad over literally nothing.