• @theangryseal
      35 months ago

      I liked the last two but that was the best of the bunch.

      • @Klear
        135 months ago

        I remember being so bored watching Ep 2 that I started to notice that every time a scene changes, Padmé has a different outfit on her. The most suspenseful part was when a scene ended with her tied to a pole in an arena. Surely she won’t be able to change now, right? Well, turns out that right as the action switched back to her, she got slashed across her back by a monster and took the opportunity to tear up her long white dress into a different set of clothes.

        • @theangryseal
          175 months ago

          I haven’t seen them in nearly 20 years. It’s embarrassing how Star Wars obsessed I was as a teenager. Like, holy shit embarrassing. I “photoshopped” images of myself with light sabers and everything.

          Fuck it. I’ll show you guys. Man. I shouldn’t.

          I thought the one was gone forever, but my sister wasn’t going to let that happen. She said when I posted it to MySpace she knew I’d be embarrassed one day and delete it so she printed it off. Haha. What a dick.

          Damn. Here goes.