• @[email protected]
    11 day ago

    I like how the assumption at the end is that I’m somehow an issue for those around me. I never stated that I, in turn, cause problems for the assholes around me. One thing I know about assholes is that they only escalate, so it is best to disengage if possible. But i suppose you’re right; people who are obnoxiously loud at all hours, run/stomp around, yell/scream at each other, fight, shoot, allow their animals to urinate/deficate anywhere, urinate/deficate anywhere themselves, have loud ass animals, park vehicles just anywhere, have loud ass vehicles, etc. are probably saints, and I’m just a menace to society.

    • @[email protected]
      23 hours ago

      “if you meet one asshole, you met one asshole. If everyone you meet is an asshole, you’re the asshole.”

      We don’t know you, but if you dislike everyone you have ever lived near or known enough to not want neighbors then you might be the common thread. Maybe you brought the worst out in people or failed to bring out any good. But who knows, maybe you were just unlucky in the people you have met

      • @[email protected]
        623 hours ago

        That movie quote isn’t clever or original, especially out of context. I didn’t “meet” these people or even interact with them. We simply existed within the vicinity of each other, and they were people that had no regard or consideration for the other people that live around them. This is very similar to people who blast shitty audio from their phones, walk on the left, take up the entirety of the sidewalk, don’t yield for pedestrians, don’t respect lines, etc. Assholes do, in fact, exist in many contexts.

    • pupupipi
      24 hours ago

      bruh, look at you, i’m on the internet and don’t want to be this close to you, trolls live in caves, maybe that’ll be good for you, but then you might hear the water drip and the crickets chirp