I am not targeting any group, race or religion or whatever, just an observation why does it seem that freedom of speech appears to invoke an image of a defence to be an asshole?

I get it, free to speak your mind and all and sometimes hard truths need to be said that but is the concept so out of whack that people have less empathy for others that they don’t agree with that they antagonise another to the point of disrespecting the right to dignity?

It seems like humanity is hard wired for conflict and if it isn’t actively trying to kill itself it seems to find an outlet for violence some way somehow. Maybe it is social conditioning or just some primal urge that makes humans human.

I don’t even know where else I could ask it, and it seems kind of stupid to think about so… have at thee

  • @JayEchoRayOP
    1 year ago


    I am have let myself be too soft as I have not invoked my freedom of expression and fair conditions and let them bypass responsibility and get away with imposing their way of business.

    End tldr

    You know reading these comments made me look at my Country’s constitution… South Africa

    Makes me think that people in general don’t fully read them, myself included.

    It is interesting because in a way some of the things written here can in practice get someone put in jail because of the stigma of the past - primarily racism

    I was raised in the demographic as white but my mother is, and this the term they use here, coloured ( fair complexion) i am sure an internet search can confirm.

    Also realised that when my last job told me I wouldn’t advance in the work because of the colour of my skin ( and I was too stupid and eager for a job I accepted) they were legally covering their ass as there is provision for it if it is formally accepted. That my rights were ebbed away with fine print ( example, they made me sign something inocculous 3 months into employment and fine out down the line that I missed out on receiving bonus by a month because of the signed document)

    But even through all that and the contracts they made me sign i still had the right to strike or to unionized… of course they make sure that you can’t do that because they prey on that need and suppress your right to diginity

    Really off topic apologies, brain wonders off and puts pieces into play that fell off the bandwagon😂