• @[email protected]
    639 hours ago

    Parking spaces in the Netherlands do not easily accommodate these child-killing machines. So, they often end up clumsily parked over multiple spaces or blocking sidewalks. I have taken to submitting complaints to my municipality every time I see this happen.
    It is not much but I am doing my little part. I did notice that one of these abominations has gone absent from my neighbourhood. I like to think my complaints have contributed to this

    • Caveman
      125 hours ago

      They should fine them for not parking correctly. I’m also on the opinion that you should need an extra licence to drive something that big

    • @[email protected]
      237 hours ago

      Have you gotten any traction on this with the police or municipality?

      I’ve seen a lot of these huge American trucks parked like assholes and I’m seeing more and more custom lifted trucks. The other day I was riding my bicycle from work and saw this huge custom lifted thing. It was as wide as a bus and generally enormous. It was going 60kph in a 30 zone. Then proceeded to jump the kerb, drive across the bicycle path and park on the sidewalk in front of a restaurant. Four douchebags in suits stepped out.

      I was shocked and didn’t really know what to do. I thought about taking a picture, but was worried such characters could be organized crime. I thought about calling the police, but frankly I don’t think they would take it seriously. So I just went home bummed out about the state of the world.

      • @[email protected]
        42 hours ago

        With the municipality I think I did. I use the relevant web portal to report the hindrances. I make sure to include photos.
        Never tried contacting the police directly