• PagingDoctorLove
    2 years ago

    I’m not sure I’d assign any intrinsic value to the comics, though I do enjoy them. But yes, there are many artists whose work I still enjoy despite knowing they’re a shitty person.

    I just don’t think it’s a great idea to then give these artists tacit support by creating a Reddit/Tumblr/Lemmy community solely for them.

    I made the first comment after seeing someone else in this thread refer people to a community for this artist. He doesn’t need the ego boost. Let him fade into obscurity along with every other misogynist who hides behind religion (as if that weren’t, in and of itself, an immediate “tell.”) Let his name pop up in the occasional comment section only for people to go “who?”

    I don’t even know if he’s still making these comics, but he definitely still has an online presence that he has previously used to advocate for the removal of women’s rights. Let that be his legacy. Start a community devoted to figuring out how a sentient festering anal polyp could ever possibly create something so cute and innocent.

    The comics will live on without him.