fairytale fabricated by tech grifters […] the energy density of petrol is still so much higher than a modern Lithium-ion battery, how can electric vehicles be viable competitors? Simple, they cheat. […] we’ve been gaslit […] extra weight makes them far more dangerous in a crash and it means that you’re wasting a lot of energy […] doubling the weight does 16x the damage to the roads

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    From skimming this article, there’s nothing in it that is not already widely known and acknowledged by the so-called “tech grifters”.

    And many of these issues tend to get blown up quite a bit.

    Reach is a matter of charging infrastructure. 400km seems like a good point to have an extended break anyway.

    Weight is an issue with little way to mitigate, but it’s not like there’s a shortage of huge and heavy vehicles in general. So while this is inherent to EVs, it’s far from exclusive.

    Finally, the reason for switching to EVs it’s not that they’re inherently better than fossil fuel burning vehicles in every way. It’s that they’re better in the single very most important criterion: carbon emissions.

    • @ChrislyBear
      1 year ago

      It’s that they’re better in the single very most important criterion: carbon emissions.

      Tell that to the caloric power plant you get your power from (be it gas, coal or whatever is used to produce the steam). Or maybe to the battery production plant or the car recycling place?

      • @Liquid_Fire
        141 year ago

        I’m sure they’re more efficient than the one in my car, and are at any rate being replaced. At this very moment (obviously it’s not representative as it’s a windy day) 50% of UK electricity production is wind and only 12% fossil fuels.

      • @a4ng3l
        101 year ago

        I have been 100% charging my ev6 from my solar panels since I got it. And according to the massive amount of solar panels around me I guess I’m not the only one. Also, wind everywhere despite all the rage that gets from karens that can feel turbines in their heads.

        Also we never hear about the carbon cost of getting fuel to cars… it also requires transportation and transformation at some point.

      • @Leviathan
        71 year ago

        Our power here is 100% wind and hydro and we even supply parts or NY state, has been for a long time. Maybe all this energy wasted in fighting EVs would be far better spent fighting to reform energy infrastructure in your area.