• @multifariace
    155 months ago

    Funny, Republicans are saying the same thing the other way around. I hope both parties die out fast.

    Both sides saying the other will destroy us. The parallels go way farther than anyone is willing to admit. Voting for the “lesser evil” has only led us to this two party system where substance is lost. It is impossible to vote objectively (I always vote) and expect less than regression. My state has become a haven for one side with over a million people moving to this state for political reasons.

    I can vote Republican to pretend like things are better while not changing, or getting worse. Or I can vote Democrat to pretend like they aren’t going to approve everything Republicans want anyways. Or I can vote for the best candidate who has no chance to win but I have a semblance of pride while the election is predictable in my district and state anyways. Yet I have to not share who I voted for because I will be blamed by both sides for their own engineered and predictable failures.

    I am going to get a lot of hate on here for being honest about the situation. I no longer care about that. No I am not a plant from Russia or one of the parties. And, yes I do believe those entities are really helping the division, pushing false narratives and mal-information. However, I do not blame them for the problems. The problems have been engineered from within our own borders. That is a whole other topic with volumes of evidence and books.

    We the people have been made ignorant and angry. I don’t know how we can recover from this, but I know life is going to suck, no matter who is elected president next month. It WILL only “get worse for working class Americans, minorities and women.” And I have no clue how or when it will end. Everytime there is progress and opportunity, there are Americans turning against it while using it for self destruction. I feel horrible for the generations inheriting our chaos and possible destruction.