“A baby alligator is flushed into the sewers. It survives for years undetected by feasting on dead animals that were exposed to growth formulas and unwary humans who have ventured into the sewers. After years of non-stop eating, the young alligator has transformed into a monstrous 36-foot-long creature with an insatiable appetite. Now it’s up to a world-weary detective and a herpetologist to stop the beast from going on a rampage.”

Alligator is a really good creature featuring starring Robert Forester. Special effects are very good with a combination of real alligators on miniature sets and prop alligators.

The movie is free to watch on Tubi and if you like it Scream Factory has an excellent 4K BluRay.

  • Jaysyn
    -11 year ago

    36 ft long & only 2000 lbs? Someone didn’t do their homework.