• @Anticorp
    25 months ago

    1600? Damn, I didn’t realize it is that slow. Have you had any heat or stability issues after overclocking?

    • @SaveMotherEarthEDF
      5 months ago

      No issues since overclocking almost an year ago. Maybe a slight decrease in battery life but that might just be the higher fps in games or my aging switch. Also you can set per game overclock profiles inside switch. You get the full UI interface these days so even if by some chance it causes issues you can tweak it without leaving your game!

      • @Anticorp
        15 months ago

        I’m going to try this. My wife bought Civ 6 for the Switch instead of one of our better platforms for some reason, and it runs awful. Each turn takes like 5 minutes for the computer opponents once you have significant development. It’s almost unplayable once you get to advanced eras.