I’ve now watched both. I didn’t know the 2024 version was a remake, or I’d have watched that second, but I actually think that watching them in ‘reverse’ order is a better experience. If you’ve already seen both, maybe you can sympathise with that view.

Both films are excellent, don’t get me wrong. But there are subtle (and some not-so-subtle) differences that really, really make the overall experience very different, including the impressions and understandings you come away with. The newer film is almost insultingly Hollywoodised, as it waterboards you with exposition that the original has no problem risking you not figuring out on your own.

Please do yourself a favour and don’t read up on either film before watching them. I’ve been reading reviews of the newer film that completely spoil scenes in the original that were different. It’s unreal how cavalier people are with that sort of thing 😒

So, my recommendation is to watch James MacAvoy absolutely demolishing the scenery with his chompers (I mean that in the best possible way), and then grab a cuppa and a blanket and watch the original.

  • Ab_intraM
    9 days ago

    I saw it last night. I thought it was much better than what I anticipated. It does however go in the Hollywood trap and makes it much more friendlier than it needed to be. The original is much, MUCH darker and that is what I love about it, and it don’t compromises and it hits you like a fist. But I also liked some additions they made like Ant trying to communicate with Agnes. I also did like the addition at the end, but I have a bit of a issue with it being to understandable, let people make their own mind about what is going on, and that’s something that is very hollywood about this movie.

    I do think this version was not at all necessary, but money speak as always.