I’m not a fan of RNG gameplay so I got rid of Decrees, Koumei is a very fun warframe tbh.

Note : I’m looking for communities to share my videos with, I hope this isn’t like reddit.

  • Convict45
    25 months ago

    Nourish isn’t the MOST boring choice, but it’s near the bottom for excitement.

    (Roar and Eclipse are tied for most boring.)

    More interesting and possibly good on her:

    Wrathful Advance

    Coil Horizon



    Fire Blast



    I happily admit that I can dismiss Nourish in part because I have Archon Flow. Which is all the energy buffing I find I need.

    I also find doing the challenges for decrees disruptive to game play and in many cases, achieving the mission objectives. Sometimes for entire rounds of defense! Worse, you can then end up with a decree that offers nothing to the current mission.

    If we got a 5 panel choice of decrees as in Duviri, that would fix some of the bad that is the current Omikuji.

    • Convict45
      15 months ago

      And after sitting her in the Helminth trying to choose—I’m going with Sickening Pulse! Should turn her into quite a nuker.