• @TropicalDingdong
    2 hours ago

    You are a deeply toxic individual who has been doing work to hurt the Democrats chances of getting elected in November, by intentionally cultivating a culture that denies objective reality in an effort to shield Democrats from criticisms they rightly deserve on the mass slaughter of a people, an issues that is deeply hurting their chances of getting elected. You do so through your extraoridnarilly biased moderation, and almost constant white-knighting/ trolling to support the Blue-MAGA movement, a movement whose rhetorical approach has been singularly destructive to the Democrats hopes of getting re-elected in 2024.

    You aren’t just a part of the problem in why Democrats are struggling in November; you are at its very core. When its time to decompose what went’ wrong in the 2024 election and I’m doing my write up, I’ll be citing your profile of the quintessential example of how social media was employed to shield Democrats from their own bad decisions in such a way that it handed the Republicans the presidency in 2025.

    Your white knighting, pretending you are defending anything, is both narcissistic and toxic. You are friend to no-one as you continuously injure Democrats chances of being re-elected.

    {also, the form of trolling you were doing in your above comment is called sea-lioning}

    • Flying Squid
      42 hours ago

      Your whole armchair psychoanalysis of me is a bit undercut by your blatant lie that I support Israel.

        • Flying Squid
          22 hours ago

          You can ignore your lie if you want, but the conversation is not going to progress until you acknowledge that it’s a lie.

          • @TropicalDingdong
            -22 hours ago

            Do you think what you are doing, going around abusing people into… whatever this is that you think you are doing… Do you think it helps Harris’ chances?

            • Flying Squid
              12 hours ago

              As I already told you, this conversation will not progress until you acknowledge that you lied about me supporting Israel.

              • @TropicalDingdong
                2 hours ago

                Just a toxic, narcissistic, delusional troll, projecting onto people what you wish they were doing and setting these weird “YOU MUST DO THIS THING I DEMAND OF YOU BEFORE I"LL HAVE A CONVERSATION” effort think you are in control of the narrative.

                Guess what? Harris is struggling to even poll at break even, and its your fault* for doing, exactly what you are doing right now.

                *And the rest of Blue MAGA

                • Flying Squid
                  12 hours ago

                  And yet this conversation still will not progress until you acknowledge your lie that I support Israel.

                  You might as well paste random Wikipedia entries for all the difference it makes until then. I will not discuss a single thing in your posts until you acknowledge that is a lie.

                  • @TropicalDingdong
                    -22 hours ago

                    You don’t seem to get that this conversation is progressing exactly how I would expect iit to. You aren’t capable of having a conversation in good faith. Its just you in this weird circle jerk relationship you have with literally everyone you troll, where you lay these demands on them thinking you’ve got them in some kind of “gotcha”. Its this weird, kooky, power dynamics thing you do in almost every trolling effort you make.

                    But fundamentally, you are a troll. Right now you are sea-lioning. You aren’t here to learn or discuss or convince. You are here to try and steer things towards an editorial opinion. Its why you want to get a concession out of whichever discussant you are involved with. And its not a secret; every single comment you’ve made here is available for analysis.