They are supposed to be grown from spores, so what use are ork nipples?

  • borZ0 the t1r3D b3aR
    275 months ago

    … honestly, the most likely argument is that they saw other races and collectively assumed they ought to have nipples too (oi! why dem pink skins 'ave dots on em? Orkzz ought 'ave em too!! wauuugh) also and so they manifested them. now its just part of their genetic code and none of them ask why anymore.

    • skulblaka
      45 months ago

      Orkz are no strangers to krumpin’ gitz because they aren’t Orky enough though. Even their own clan. I find it hard to believe they’d be easily peer pressured into having nipples, let alone by other species.

      • @qarbone
        105 months ago

        That’s not peer pressure, that’s cultural osmosis. If other species tried to force them to have nipples, then they would resist