According to recent user reports, uBlock Origin is quickly disappearing from the Chrome Web Store. The official page for the ad-blocking extension now states that it is unavailable because it doesn’t comply with Chrome’s “best practices” for add-ons. However, we can confirm that the page is still accessible from our EU Windows client.

  • Billiam
    331 day ago

    We need to add the fourth E: Enshittify. Once you’ve eliminated all the competition, extract every last dollar out of your users by steadily degrading their experience while offering them the option to pay to restore some semblance of usability.

    • @jaycifer
      320 hours ago

      Not just the customers, but the “business partners” too! If you want your search results at the top of the list, pay up! Sometimes you even get to pay for your ad to be shown in a context that’s not relevant at all, despite all the data collected to personalize ads!