I had a dream I was on a plane. A totally normal flight. Going in for a landing when things went wrong at the last minute. I swear I could feel the heat of the flames as I saw them coming through the fuselage as the plane is breaking up around me. I woke up on my feet beside my bed sweating. I’ve never had a dream like that before or since. I’ve never done drugs or other vices. That was over a decade ago and I can still remember it like it was a real event in my life. Like it was landing in Denver, I was sitting a few rows from the front on the left isle on the emergency exit row.

  • BigFig
    41 year ago

    My depression meds give me VIVID dreams, usually nightmares but they don’t scare me anymore? Like they’re clearly nightmares but I don’t wake up with a fast pulse or a sweat just oh hey that happened, anyway! And I definitely remember them much longer than I used to