Edit for readability:

Lower ranking is better, as in “rank 1” would be the best movie rated by that group.

The top section shows movies highly ranked by women, but lower for men. The bottom section is the reverse.

  • @PugJesus
    105 months ago

    Damn, I’m feeling really unusually in touch with my gender here. I count only 4.5 good movies on the top list (Pride & Prejudice, Tangled, Brokeback Mountain, Beauty and the Beast; Sound of Music gets a .5 because I don’t care for it but acknowledge it’s a classic).

    Das Boot, Rashomon, The Bridge on the River Kwai, The Thing, M, Seven Samurai, and Lawrence of Arabia on the other hand, are all indisputable classics, while Blade Runner 2049 is excellent modern cinema.

    • MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown
      45 months ago

      Funny, I’m feeling less in touch with mine. I’ve seen maybe two on the bottom list (only one fully), enjoyed one, and haven’t even heard of half of them. Although there are three that I would like to see at some point

      Meanwhile on the top list, I’ve seen most of them, and enjoyed most of the ones I’ve seen. But maybe that’s because the ones on the top list were released within my lifetime.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      I’ve seen all the Harry Potter Films, and liked them okay. I thought Wonder Woman was decent; not great, but enjoyable as far as DC movies go. I haven’t seen very many overall. OTOH, I’ve seen about half of the films on the male list. Blade Runner 2049 was an outstanding film, a modern classic that’s severely underrated. I walked out of the theater completely emotionally drained.

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      5 months ago

      My thoughts too, although I do enjoy all the Harry Potter movies a lot. I don’t know how highly I’d rank them compared to cinema classics though.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Fun fact: Some apps (TikTok I think?) will let you see what the algorithm knows about you. I’m not sure if it means anything but I always find it fascinating when the algorithm thinks I’m the wrong gender.

    • Tarquinn2049
      5 months ago

      I’m definitely coming up female here, but that’s not a huge surprise to me. Heck, I’ve seen probably 500 hallmark movies at this point, or 10… it’s hard to tell for sure. And I keep watching them.