I feel so proud of him and how hard he has worked! Especially during the pandemic, I saw how hard he struggled to adapt to doing school online. Seeing him having accomplished this is truly to motivating for me as I’ll be starting high school soon. What was high school like for you guys?

  • Class of 2010 chiming in. Honestly, I don’t remember much about it. And I’m willing to wager that when you’re 30, you won’t either.

    I remember the mood swings and the constantly changing crushes and the absolute desire to have a girlfriend. It was the mid to late 2000s so the emo/scene thing was in full swing. Everyone in my friend group listened to MCR, Fall Out Boy, Paramore, 30 Seconds to Mars, Blink 182…I miss talking to them about all our favorite songs. One girl I knew played bass. We bonded over Slayer and Metallica. Had the absolute hugest crush on her for a long time.

    I went to a very small high school. Some of the teachers took their jobs quite seriously. Others didn’t teach at all. Our math was one of the non-teachers. I remember we sat around in one class and played Russian roulette on someone’s iPod Touch. I thought he was cool then, but I started to hate him once I got to college algebra and didn’t know a single thing. College freshman year was a fun one.

    Your high school years will be what you make of them. But there comes a certain point that you don’t care about high school anymore. You’ll mature. You’ll move on in life. This is the biggest deal you’ve got going on. Then it’s over and you’re on to the next thing.

    There will be a big push for you to go to college. And high school will be the time to figure out if that’s something you really wanna do. They made us all believe that if you don’t go to college, you WILL end up homeless. That’s not the case. Just focus on the life you want to have and figure out how to get there. Find out what you’re good at and obsess over it. Unless that thing is illegal or unethical lol Bill Gates once said, “The thing you do obsessively between age 13 and 18, that’s the thing you have the most chance of being world-class at.” And I believe it. I should have gone into IT. I should have seen that when I was swapping RAM kits in the school computer lab when I was 15 in 2007. But I didn’t. And it took me a lot longer than it should have to find a career that I do love.

    Anyway, good luck. High school is a weird time.

    • @JemandtheSovietOP
      21 year ago

      Thank you for sharing your story! I still have no idea who want to be, but your post has given me some relief. I’ll do the best I can 👌