Edit for readability:

Lower ranking is better, as in “rank 1” would be the best movie rated by that group.

The top section shows movies highly ranked by women, but lower for men. The bottom section is the reverse.

  • @Makeitstop
    115 months ago

    My point wasn’t how American they are, just that they aren’t the kind of thing that would get thrown into a foreign films section. The cultural barriers between these movies and American audiences are almost nonexistent. Basically no one who consumes movies coming out of Hollywood is going to turn their nose up at Harry Potter the way a lot would for something like Seven Samurai, Rashomon, or Taare Zameen Par.

    • @accideath
      25 months ago

      Oh yea, absolutely. Not arguing with that. I‘m just being pedantic for the sake of it. (After all, you did add „I think“ after saying they’re all American)