• @JubilantJaguar
    13 hours ago

    I’m not aware of any research that can really answer this, although more broadly nurture seems to matter more than nature.

    In my understanding, the research shows it’s rather the other way round. But these things are pretty hard to quantify so the debate is always going to be a bit sterile.

    I do however take objection when science is instrumentalized in the service of political ideology. As you surely know, a core tenet of Marxism is that human beings are socially constructed. Therefore, rather like religious fundamentalists on the subject of evolution, doctrinaire leftists have a strong incentive to deny science on this subject.

    • moonlight
      23 hours ago

      I do however take objection when science is instrumentalized in the service of political ideology.

      I didn’t bring up politics at all, and I don’t think that really applies here. It feels like you have an agenda to push…

      • @JubilantJaguar
        12 hours ago

        You agreed that nurture is “definitely” is more important than nature. That’s a scientific truth claim, it can be answered without philosophy, and the scientific jury is out on it. And yet the claim is often deployed in the service of Marxist political ideology as if it’s a proven fact. Which it’s not. Maybe you’re not aware of this context. It’s true you didn’t explicitly bring up politics.