• OptionalOP
    27 hours ago

    Defaulting to information that agrees with your word view is a natural human bias.

    In general, perhaps, but in the face of conflicting facts?

    • @chonglibloodsport
      14 hours ago

      Everyone has their own set of facts. That’s the basis for their world view. Doesn’t mean those facts are pertinent to the question at hand but upsetting their entire worldview is not something people allow easily.

      And that’s human nature. We’re a social species. We belong to tribes and depend on our tribe for survival. If we could drop our worldview like a load of dirty laundry then we’d be walking away from our tribes and dying.

      Ask anyone who has had profound political disagreements with their family. It’s enormously painful. While you can drop a position here or there in an election, it’s not at easy to drop your family.