• Naw, dude. A decent Bloody Mary should be a reasonable substitute for a small meal.

    Think about it: you’re basically dinking a gazpacho, with a shot of vodka added. The additions flesh it out with something you can sink your teeth into.

    It sounds like alcoholism to have one of these instead of lunch (on a weekend), but the alcohol content is tiny compared to all of the other stuff you’re ingesting. It’s like having a glass of wine with your borcht.

    Also, you mentioned having it in the airport. Bloody Mary mix tastes different, and far better, at altitude. Have your next one in the air; you won’t get all of the trimmings, either. I sometimes ask for a virgin Bloody Mary just because of how good it tastes. Something about how high altitude changes our sense of taste; there’s an article about it on the intertubes somewhere.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      Best Bloody Mary I had was in NOLA and it wasn’t a meat and cheese bouquet, but garnished with various pickles that actually complimented and added depth to the drink. I don’t think a Bloody Mary should be a meal, if I wanted a meal, I’d order one.

      • Or maybe you could benefit from a change in your definition of “meal”. Broaden your horizons!

        Like I said, Bloody Mary mix is basically gazpacho, which most people consider a meal.

    • d00phyOP
      25 months ago

      My parents had this stuff called stingray they would add to theirs. Made it just the right kind of spicy.