I’ll go first, I took my mom’s college textbooks which came with discs for a couple distros and failed to install RHEL before managing to get Fedora Core 4 working. The first desktop environment I used was KDE and despite trying out a few others over the years I always come back to plasma. Due to being like 12, I wanted to run my games on it, and man wine was not nearly as easy to use (or as good) as it is nowadays. So I switched back to windows until around 2015 or so when I spent the next few years trying to replace windows as much as I could. Once valve released proton, I switched fully and have t looked back, unless my still there windows partition tries to take over my computer when I restart it at least.

  • @Snowman44
    21 year ago

    When I was about 12 I had a computer nerd friend who used linux almost exclusively. I used various linux distros at his house. I don’t know what they were.

    He gave me a knopix CD so I could use linux too and that was the easiest way.

    I thought I’d try linux myself so I burned Ubuntu to a cd and tried to install it on a family computer as a dual boot. I did it wrong and deleted everything. My dad is a computer network specialist so he understood what happened and wasn’t mad. He made a backup of the family computer a while ago and restored it. We still lost some things, but not everything.

    My friend got me a desktop computer for free and put SUSE on it. My parents wouldn’t allow me to have internet in my bedroom so I just played games and made stuff on blender with it.

    My friend also got me a free laptop at this computer nerd conference we went to. We listened to a bunch of people talk about computer stuff. They also had free stuff we could grab. I got myself a laptop. It didn’t have an operating system so my friend installed Ubuntu on it for me.

    Eventually that laptop and my desktop stopped working and I never used linux again. After reading about linux here I started to miss my Ubuntu laptop and I’d like to try it again, but I don’t want ruin my current laptop like I did with the family computer.