• @ericbomb
    92 months ago

    To send the point home even more, this is how in python you make a line of text display:

    print("Hello World")

    This is the same thing, in assembly (According to a blog I found. I can’t read this. I am not build better.)

      org  0x100        ; .com files always start 256 bytes into the segment
        ; int 21h is going to want...
        mov  dx, msg      ; the address of or message in dx
        mov  ah, 9        ; ah=9 - "print string" sub-function
        int  0x21         ; call dos services
        mov  ah, 0x4c     ; "terminate program" sub-function
        int  0x21         ; call dos services
        msg  db 'Hello, World!', 0x0d, 0x0a, '$'   ; $-terminated message

    But python turns that cute little line up top, into that mess at the bottom.

    I like python. Python is cute. Anyone can read python.

    • @pivot_root
      62 months ago

      That assembly is for a DOS application. It would be more verbose for a modern Linux or Win32 application and probably require a linker script.

      But python turns that cute little line up top, into that mess at the bottom.

      Technically, not quite. Python is interpreted, so it’s more like “call the print function with this string parameter” gets fed into another program, which calls it’s own functions to make it happen.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        This is what gcc 13.2.0 makes of it in Linux:

        So basically just loading the string and calling ‘printf’ from the libc.

      • @ericbomb
        12 months ago

        Yeah over simplifying it a bit, and that’s funny that the stupid thing I found wasn’t even stupid enough.

        But was mostly trying to impart that we should be happy for modern languages, because for every line you write in a modern language, it’ll do a dozen things on the back end for you that in assembly you’d need to do by hand.