he latest generations of Intel processors, including Xeon chips, and AMD’s older microarchitectures on Linux are vulnerable to new speculative execution attacks that bypass existing ‘Spectre’ mitigations.

  • @M600
    153 months ago

    The vulnerabilities impact Intel’s 12th, 13th, and 14th chip generations for consumers and the 5th and 6th generation of Xeon processors for servers, along with AMD’s Zen 1, Zen 1+, and Zen 2 processors.

      • @scrion
        73 months ago

        From the article:

        AMD also confirmed the vulnerability and said that the flaw had already been documented and tracked as CVE-2022-23824. It is worth noting that AMD’s advisory includes Zen 3 products as beeing affected, which are not listed in ETH Zurich’s paper.