• @[email protected]
    412 hours ago

    It isn’t about stubbornly not letting people past it is called riding defensively. People pass far too fucking close in their cars and usually at too high a speed. If you place yourself in a position where they can’t pass you until there is enough room to do so safely then it protects yourself more from these idiotic cunts. I couldn’t care less if I am pissing you off if it means you aren’t going to put my life at risk trying to squeeze past me.

    Bikes have as much right to be on the road as cars and if you wanted to could ride right in the middle of the lane and that is still completely within the law if that is what you are so concerned about. In fact being the smaller and more vulnerable of the road users the bike has the right of way in the eyes of the law so the driver, by law, should be giving way to the cyclist. They should also be giving 1.5m of space when they do pass the cyclist which 75% of people don’t do.

    Most drivers don’t know the rules and laws of the road and just make up their own like you are now pretending people are “taking the law into their own hands” because you car brained fucks want to get to where you are going 30 seconds faster.

    • @cm0002
      -15 hours ago

      Clearly, you didn’t understand my original comment or read anything else in the thread, here’s another comment I wrote earlier:

      You’re putting your own life in danger when you do crap like that, all it’ll take is one aggressive driver having a particularly bad day to run you over. Sure, they’ll probably get arrested and face consequences for that, but it won’t really matter all that much to you when you’re dead.

      It’s like debating with the “fuck seatbelts” people stg.

      With that attitude, you’ll likely end up as a statistic. You’re just as bad as the entitled “car brains”, except things go badly in Car vs Bike scenarios for the biker.

      • @[email protected]
        15 hours ago

        You obviously have no idea what you are talking about or how to ride defensively when you are a cyclist on the road.

        “Almost ironically, the way to make yourself safer while cycling on the road is by being in the way. ‘Defensive cycling’ helps you do that by preventing other road users from taking advantage of your relatively small size and slow speed.”


        Many cyclists try to be courteous to motor vehicles by sticking as close to the side of the road as possible. Even though that does give drivers more room to pass, it also makes you harder to spot. Try to be at least three or four feet (one metre) away from the edge of the road. If you’re not blending in with the curb or the sidewalk, it will be easier for turning motor vehicles to spot you."


        "Don’t ride near the curbs.

        Give yourself 2-3 feet of space to bail out in case a vehicle comes too close."


        I one of your responses you say they should just hop up on to the curb, no, never! The footpath is for pedestrians, people walking, not for riding bikes on. Then you are putting pedestrians at risk.

        And constantly saying you should “take down their VRM and report them to someone” as if that will do any good at all, the police couldn’t care less about that kind of stuff and achieves absolutely nothing. Jog on mate.

        • @cm0002
          3 hours ago

          That’s all for normal traffic/day to day

          I’m talking about after someone has clearly started on a path of aggression and road rage as described by OOP. People have been shot or run over or run into (if in a car, I’m not even talking about just bikers) over slights like cutting someone off.

          Once someone has demonstrated severe aggression like described, it’s time to get out of the way, not amplify it