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Ian Brossat, a former Paris councillor and now a senator representing the French Communist party, called for SUVs to be banned in Paris. “This is not the first incident of its kind, and the dangerous nature of SUVs has already been pointed out on several occasions. We owe it to this young man to realise the scale of the problem and draw all the consequences,” Brossat told the Nouvel Obs.

  • @PriorityMotif
    13 months ago

    Truck drivers are professionals

    In my state there is an exemption for farmers, their immediate family, and employees. They can get restricted type of CDL without taking a driving test, and aren’t subject to drug and alcohol screening. They just have certain restrictions basically limited to farming activity.

    • Nightwatch Admin
      23 months ago

      In my country, farmers unfortunately have similar exceptions. It must be said though, that they rarely drive through towns and cities (and a good thing it is, because most seem to be rather careless).

      • @PriorityMotif
        23 months ago

        Ours drive grain to large silos which are usually built next to railroad tracks. There are very small towns that exist only because of the grain silo. The trucks are common enough that you see them on highways and in town. I usually try to stay away from them because they don’t take care of them very well. I’ve seen them with completely bald tires.