The rule also mandates universal Bluetooth standards and volume control compliance for all smartphones.

  • @rottingleaf
    14 months ago

    As I see this, it requires support (at least consideration) in used technologies\standards\frameworks.

    Gopher or Gemini or webpages from year 1998 more or less have that. Today’s “responsive and dynamic” Web with very complex DOM with nonsense random identifiers and bloated structure - does not.

    Similar for user applications - around years 1998 the paradigm with UIs was of normal engineering and ergonomics, to keep the window open for possibilities, even when not readily usable with screen readers and such.

    Considering how the early Web is remembered as a refuge for “weird” people where the “normal” people wouldn’t impose their ape world upon others, and considering that the fashion that changed those industry commonalities came from bigger companies, I sometimes get conspiracy-minded and think that someone must fear or just hate ND people.