My old 4790k finally died, and I need to replace both the CPU & MB. I was wondering if there would be any conflict in having an AMD CPU and an Nvidia GPU.

I want to use Bazzite on it. I’m running the same distro on my main rig and I’m very happy with it.

Any suggestions?

  • enkers
    1220 hours ago

    If anything, Intel’s lack of transparency should speak volumes. They’re hoping to just mostly ignore the problem until it blows over. I still think it’s more severe than they’re letting on, but only time will tell. They’re in full damage control mode right now.

    Anyone who gets scared off of buying Intel CPU’s until they see how this plays out is making a sound decision IMO. Consumers shouldn’t accept this kind of behaviour.

    On the flip side, this could also make for some potentially good deals on unaffected SKUs.

    • Possibly linux
      319 hours ago

      Hopefully they will recover. I want options and only looking at AMD is very limiting.

      I’m sure AMD is not taking any risks these days as they want to keep Intel in the sun.

      • enkers
        119 hours ago

        Agreed. In the long term it’s better for consumers if there is competition, but that also means being an informed consumer, making good buying decisions and not being blindly loyal to any particular brand.

        • Possibly linux
          019 hours ago

          I also think used is a pretty good option. Sure some people might need pots of performance but most people would be fine on a 10 year old CPU.

          • enkers
            18 hours ago

            Yeah, I just recently upgraded from a first gen i7. The performance gain is substantial, but less necessary than you’d think. I’d probably have kept going with my trusty i920 a bit longer if it wasn’t for lack of AVX.