Aus Mastodon von Michael Albert übernommen:

Britische Forscher haben herausgefunden, dass Steuersenkungen für Reiche keinen (Trickle-Down-) Effekt auf den Wohlstand eines Landes haben. Die Reichen werden lediglich reicher und die Ungleichheit steigt.

  • @[email protected]
    354 months ago

    the tax cuts don’t help, but the real issue is constantly stealing wealth and income from the bottom 90% through debt and inflation, then handing that money over to the rich indirectly through artifically cheap loans and slow but constant wage cuts.

    rich people and corporarions benefit way more from inflation and debt than the average person.

    it’s way easier for the rich to raise prices to compensate than it is for the working class to get higher wages.

    meanwhile cheap debt floods every market and overinflates all prices. so the working class gets doubly screwed by.

    The tax cuts make everything worse, but I don’t think they are the root cause.

    • @[email protected]
      154 months ago

      True: the underlying system where power is distributed on the basis of wealth and wealth can be used to entrench power (aka capitalism) is the real issue