Sophia Rosing was banned from the University of Kentucky campus after the incident

A college student who went on a drunken tirade using the n-word 200 times will now head to jail for a year.

Sophia Rosing, a former student at the University of Kentucky, became infamous in 2022 for her rant that was captured on video and shared on social media. In the video, Rosing was caught using the slur at a fellow student and assaulting her.

Rosing previously pleaded guilty to four counts of fourth-degree assault and other charges. When she entered her plea, she apologized to fellow student Kylah Spring and members of the Black community.

This week, a judge in Kentucky sentenced Rosing to 12 months in custody and 100 hours of community service, according to Lex 18.

In the infamous video Spring said that Rosing struck her numerous times and kicked her in the stomach. As Spring is explaining what happened to her, Rosing can be heard yelling at her in the background, calling the Black student the n-word and a “b****” throughout the footage.

  • @rottingleaf
    21 month ago

    Maybe it’s like coprolalia, only IRL I’ve only met people inserting “бля епты” instead of pauses, sometimes f-words.

    • andrew_bidlaw
      1 month ago

      Да даже пусть она использовала н-ворд как междометие перед каждым словом, либо она стремилась к достижению мирового рекорда, либо она не фильтровала базар зачитывая целый получасовой спич. Я не вижу как она могла кидать предъявы и накинуть 200 таких слов в процессе. В любом случае, говно она а не человек и я её сорт на вкус определять не вызвусь.