• @[email protected]
      171 day ago

      Syria. Israel has invaded Egypt before, then retreated. Jordan has support from Saudi Arabia. Syria doesn’t have support, and it’s a mess internally, so it’d be fairly easy to take.

      I’d bet they’d just take Damascus and the coast, though, unless they’d also want wherever the oil is (somewhat likely).

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      323 hours ago

      Egypt has a half-decent army and a peace treaty so probably impossible. The Gaza blockade also relies on Egyptian cooperation. Israel is like… That, but I don’t think even them want to return to 70s era Arab relations. Jordan has Saudi Arabia support and a peace treaty, so again no reason to rock the boat. Syria, though? Definitely on the cards. They don’t have a peace treaty and Syria is a failed stated who only have allies in Russia and Iran. The blowback will be disastrous, but Israel has proven they don’t care about that.

    • shoulderoforion
      -171 day ago

      Syria is always on the cards for hosting Hezbollah too, Israel takes out Iranian arms shipments in Damascus all the time. Egypt and Jordan have peace agreements with Israel, and as long as they stay frosty they’ve got nothing to worry about. If you attack or threaten the Jewish State it will make you fucking pay. Every time. It’s existential for the Israelis. It is no threat, it is always a promise.

      • @[email protected]
        171 day ago

        It’s not existential for Jews, and Jews are increasingly anti Zionist.

        Israel will fall, all fascist ethnostates fall. When they run out of enemies that don’t look like them, they’ll make enemies out of those that do. Usually they fall before getting to that step but that’s the fatal flaw in fascism, you always need an enemy to blame.

      • @[email protected]
        201 day ago

        lol the Israeli occupation will attack and kill anyone if they want to steal their land. The peace deals mean nothing to them.

      • @fukhuesonOP
        116 hours ago



        Hezbollah’s 1985 manifesto outlined its key objectives, which include expelling Western influence from the region, destroying Israel, pledging allegiance to Iran’s supreme leader, and establishing an Islamic government influenced by Iran’s political ideology.


        Hezbollah rhetoric has made contradictory claims about its long-term goals. “We do not seek the application of Islam by force or violence, but by peaceful political action, which gives the majority in any society the opportunity to adopt or reject it. If Islam becomes the choice of the majority, then we will apply it. If not, we will continue to coexist and discuss with others until we reach a common ground based upon correct beliefs,” the organization said in 1998. But Nasrallah has also repeatedly vowed to destroy Israel. “It is an aggressive, illegal and illegitimate entity, which has no future in our land,” he said in 2005. “It’s destination is manifested in our motto, ‘Death to Israel’.” Hezbollah has also and angrily threatened to destroy U.S. “hegemony” in the Middle East. The military wing is tied to deadly attacks on two U.S. embassies and the Marine peacekeepers barracks in Lebanon as well as American targets in Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.