• Fades
    5 months ago

    It’s quite clear you didn’t watch the video.

    It’s a bit different when you have sponsored (by twitch) streamers giving literal terrorists a platform (such as a Houthi pirate who posts about personally murdering every jew), and sponsored stream events at the company con that rank people from Arab to Zionist/sabra, and banning all new users from israel IPs.

    It’s not just about a stance not being taken, in fact it’s quite the opposite and twitch clearly has taken a stance.

    This is all quite a bit far passed the whole “trying not to piss off one group or another” when their own rules are not followed consistently based on the person’s affiliation to the stance they’ve taken.

    I’m not saying this should be news but you’re definitely being reductive with this comment calling this “every public platform ever”.

    Fuck twitch, fuck the platforming and acceptance of Hamas/houthis/hazbollah right along with the IDF as well.

    None of that shit belongs on a site aimed for literal children. The hot tub soft core porn was bad enough

    One last thing… does it have to be considered news to be able to discuss things? Not sure why you even mentioned that as if whether something is “news” or not is what determines if it can be talked about? Who are you to dictate what someone thinks by simply posting a video like this?

    Telling on yourself here quite a bit.

    • just_another_person
      5 months ago

      Nope. Watched it just fine. Didn’t even misunderstand a single thing. Guy makes his point but is 100% wrong about why he thinks things lie.

      If you get involved with a platform that doesn’t align with your ideas, and find out about that later, you’re at the behest of said platform.

      Your fault. Not the platform.