So we need a UBI then?

  • @pdxfed
    3 hours ago

    So it’s all “treat the symptoms” rather than addressing what has changed in society, economy and culture to produce such increases?

    Rapacious companies that inexhaustibly need more so your boss, or his, or theirs or the shareholders can buy another yacht?

    Cost of living where many have given up on achieving what their parents did because the rigged game is so transparent?

    Redistribution of wealth(through actual reasonable wages not poverty margins) and meritocracy in economy, mandatory flexible work arrangements, would be a good combination of starts for many.

    I’m American and reading this, we have all the same ills–only most of us can’t take time off to be sick with any pay beyond 40 hours per year…and thats in the “progressive states”. Granted a few have state paid leaves now, like 5/50, and it’s real progress in the last few years but we are so far behind. hope things get bad enough the government actually starts turning over the right rocks finally.