  • lemmy

Community Guidelines:

  • Be Nice
  • SAVE a local copy of the game EVERYTIME you finish a session.

Community Kanban:

This server will be up for a month (Oct21-Nov21), it’s hosted on a game hosting service. I trust everyone here to be nice, but if there is a problem @ me, and we can revert a save.

The server admin (me) will be able to see your factorio username, and your ip address.

  • @[email protected]
    34 months ago

    I’m in this camp, I want the opportunity to build all the things and if I play with a bunch of people I’ll just blueprint all their stuff cause it’s always better 🥲

    • @rustyfish
      44 months ago

      I don’t see a problem with this. There is a saying among German mathematicians “Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.” When other peoples design is better, you should feel encouraged to copy it. That’s what factorioblueprints is there for. Learning from each other is a HUGE part of the game.

      But yeah, playing alone does wonders for learning the game. Just yesterday I relearned that rushing for bots is good, but completely ignoring defences is not.