When dealing with oversocialized liberals, they are so terrified to do anything that goes against the system but claim to be progressive or revolutionary in some way. I am so tired of these people, I wish they would just say they are a bunch of subdued conformists. They tell me that my ideas would be authoritarian, destructive, or evil. However I can tell that if I was in a position of some kind of political power, they would be sucking it up and just telling people that this is the way it is when they actually want to do something. Their ideology pretends to be against the ruling class while in reality they are trapped inside of their own ideology. Not having elections is a dictatorship to them. Having some mechanism to prevent money in politics that is not controlled by elections is dictatorship. Evicting landlords and gentrifiers is dictatorship. Well I want a dictatorship then. If they don’t like it, they better vote very hard since they are ideologically against protesting, revolution, or even speaking out against the state outside of constraints that keep their ideology within liberalism.

So what would they do if our comrades took power? Absolutely nothing. Probably complain that we are authoritarian. Do you know why I don’t need to work with these people? Because they have no potential to politically theorize or even engage in the most basic praxis. The next time a liberal tells me that I am an authoritarian, promoting destructive ideas, or destroying society by radicalizing people, I’m just going to ask them what they are going to do about it that isn’t authoritarian. They can ban me from their groups but there are more. They can publicly denounce me but to the people who agree with me more would then be polarized towards my side. Their ideology’s inherent inability to stop opposing ideologies is by design, so the two party system can exist, and it’s why we now live under reactionary ideas and why authoritarian leftism outside of their control is booming in comparison to previous decades. The liberals believe in freedom of speech and are ideologically opposed to using any kind of force or authoritarianism so that’s all out of the question too. Despite their denunciations or contempt they have for our comrades, they cannot even provide a suitable alternative for those seeking radical change.

As much as I encourage them to do something to silence me or stop me, I know they won’t do it because they know on some level they should take that energy and use it against those who actually pose a danger to them, to the rights of trans people and the regime that continues to terrorize the country. Their shallow support for vaguely liberal capitalism means nothing compared to revolutionary leftism, and until they break free from their oversocialization they can accomplish absolutely nothing, let alone actually pose a threat to the current regime they live under.

  • @bananaa
    15 months ago

    Is this Terry Davis, creator of Temple OS? This really reads like his writing.