• @PugJesusM
    -14 hours ago

    Do you think you can only have one alliance?

    So you brought up the Tripartite Alliance in a discussion about Finland, contrasting the Tripartite Alliance with the accusation towards the Soviets having done the exact same thing as the Finns, in order to show…

    … what, again?

    The Tripartite Pact was an alliance, the black fascists agreed on mutual defense terms. Molotov-Ribbentrop was painting new lines on a map and agreeing on trade and, as mentioned, literally no credible experts view it otherwise.

    • @[email protected]
      04 hours ago

      You’re the one who falsely claimed the Soviets and Axis had an alliance. I pointed to what actual alliances are, since you seemed to be confused by the idea.

      • @PugJesusM
        -14 hours ago

        What is it you would call coordinating military efforts against a common foe?

        It would seem it has a different name when the Finns and the Nazis do it than when the Soviets and the Nazis do it.

          • @PugJesusM
            -14 hours ago

            You’re absolutely right. The Soviets actively pursuing the destruction of a sovereign nation by cooperating with the literal fucking Nazis, in the interest of the Soviet Union’s desire to quite literally genocide the Polish people, not unlike the Nazis, isn’t really comparable to the Finns cooperating with the literal fucking Nazis to retake territory that was seized and ethnically cleansed from them.

            The Finnish choice is unforgivable, but you’re right, the Soviet choice was much worse. On account of being an active pursuit of genocide as well as an instrument to the Nazi genocide.

            • @[email protected]
              2 hours ago

              Soviet Russian chauvinism in the context of pan-Slavism was many things, but it wasn’t genocidal towards Poles as an ethnicity. Murderous towards anyone that might be able to rally resistance, certainly, and it exploited ethnic divides in the time honored tradition of any colonizing power, but it wasn’t anything like Generalplan Ost and you know it.

              • @PugJesusM
                2 hours ago

                Russian chauvinism in the context of pan-Slavism was many things, but it wasn’t genocidal towards Poles as an ethnicity.

                Oh yes, the Sovs just executed 100,000 Poles in the USSR in '38, and killed and deported another million and a half in Poland itself in 39-41 because they were uninterested in genocide. Brilliant. Just brilliant.

                but it wasn’t anything like Generalplan Ost and you know it.

                Oh, cool, the Holodomor wasn’t anything like Generalplan Ost either, so I guess the Holodomor wasn’t genocidal either.

                • @[email protected]
                  02 hours ago

                  No, because the Holodomor and eradication of the Crimean Tartars were specific eradication campaigns unlike the Soviet mass executions in Poland, glad we cleared that up.

                  • @PugJesusM
                    2 hours ago

                    Would you like to elaborate how the Soviet mass executions and deportations in Poland were not eradication campaigns, but that the deportation of the Crimean Tatars and the Holodomor were eradication campaigns? Walk me through your criteria here. Is targeting a specific ethnicity for mass executions and deportation in the name of eradicating the nation not eradication in some way that I’m unaware of?

                    Walk me through how executing 5% of the Polish nation in your newly conquered territories and deporting another 25% inside of two years isn’t genocide. Walk me through how targeting Poles specifically in the newly conquered territories, rather than other ethnicities living in what-was-previously-Poland, isn’t an eradication campaign.

                    Please. Enlighten me.