• @PugJesusM
    3 hours ago

    Would you like to elaborate how the Soviet mass executions and deportations in Poland were not eradication campaigns, but that the deportation of the Crimean Tatars and the Holodomor were eradication campaigns? Walk me through your criteria here. Is targeting a specific ethnicity for mass executions and deportation in the name of eradicating the nation not eradication in some way that I’m unaware of?

    Walk me through how executing 5% of the Polish nation in your newly conquered territories and deporting another 25% inside of two years isn’t genocide. Walk me through how targeting Poles specifically in the newly conquered territories, rather than other ethnicities living in what-was-previously-Poland, isn’t an eradication campaign.

    Please. Enlighten me.

    • @[email protected]
      03 hours ago

      Because the ethnic cleansing of Poles as a cleansing mostly happened in Ukraine and Belarus? You know where they shipped most Ukrainian and Belarusian Poles to?


      There’s obviously a lot to say about THAT in a Glorious Communist Utopia but it’s pretty hard to argue Stalin was ethnically cleansing Poland of Poles when he was also shipping more ethnic Poles into Poland.

      Now if you want to argue that Belarus was Polish territory before the Tsars conquered it there’s at least a point there.

      • @PugJesusM
        13 hours ago

        Because the ethnic cleansing of Poles as a cleansing mostly happened in Ukraine and Belarus?

        Are you taking the piss right now.

        A million Poles are deported from Poland itself, some 150,000+ are outright executed, and you’re saying that the Soviets were performing these atrocities on a larger scale in Ukraine and Belarus, when there weren’t even a million Poles in the whole of the USSR.

        Are you fucking stupid.