Meme: Screenshot of microblog post by @alanjack replying to @fotchi.

Caption: I still don’t know why part of autistic/adhd diagnosis isn’t putting you in a room with someone already diagnosed and seeing how quickly you bond.

  • @ZILtoid1991
    165 months ago

    Wouldn’t work, I bond very slowly, due to long time isolation. Psychotherapy is not an option, due to it being defunded in my home country at an even greater scale than other parts of health care, because juST gO To ChuRcH anD PrAY.

    • @[email protected]
      75 months ago

      I’m sorry to read that.

      You’re not wrong, a lot of people who are neurodivergent are mistreated in similar ways. That can lead to anxiety, trauma, habits, etc. All of those can make diagnosis more difficult