It’s happening, the worst mayor Toronto has ever had is removing three major recently completed bike lanes at tax payer expense. That’s right, Ontario tax payers are footing the bill for Ford to meddle in Toronto municipal infrastructure. This is of course to distract us from failing healthcare and education while appealing to his mostly car centric base.

There is a protest happening Wed. 23rd of October, please come out if you can.

  • 🇨🇦 tunetardis
    145 months ago

    I haven’t lived in Toronto in years, but was a bike courier there in my student days. My recollections, dated as they may be, are as follows:

    • University is a huge expanse of road with ample room for bike lanes. I can’t imagine why you would remove them? I suspect it has something to do with Queen’s Park sitting in the middle of it and Ford having a personal axe to grind?
    • In all the time I lived in Toronto, I don’t think I ever drove on Young St. At least not in the downtown core. Does any self-respecting local do this? I always thought it should be made into a pedestrian mall like Sparks St. in Ottawa.
    • To be fair, I tended to avoid Bloor on my bike except in places where you really can’t avoid it like crossing the viaduct. This was more to do with it being a perpetual construction zone than because of automobile traffic though. I don’t know how it is now?
    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      Bloor/Danforth is one of the best ways to travel east-west on a bike. The bike lanes have concrete dividers from car traffic along a lot of the length. There are other good options, but they tend not to go as far or be as well connected.

      • 🇨🇦 tunetardis
        35 months ago

        I saw the Danforth side last time I was visiting relatives in the area and was definitely impressed! I would hate to see them take away the cycle tracks there.