If you’ve watched any Star Trek this week, feel free to drop the episodes/movies and any thoughts you might have on them in the comments!

  • @[email protected]OPM
    34 months ago

    DS9 is great! My favorite show by a good margin.

    I’ve always had a bit of a mixed experience with Star Trek Online since I started playing it. It’s fun, but the online portion of it tends to put me off after a while. I still end up starting it up a couple of times a year though!

    • EleventhHour
      34 months ago

      There are so many mission series to get through, that even after having put over 100 hours into it, I’ve barely scratched the surface.

      I have no interest in the online element of the game. In my opinion, other people will ruin a game, so I prefer to play alone. That’s why I like the fallout series so much until 76 came along.

      • @[email protected]OPM
        34 months ago

        Yes, there’s an enormous amount of content there!

        In most cases I don’t like having other people in games either. It’s very immersion breaking to have random people running and jumping off of things and who knows what else! Then you inevitably run into the person that just wants to ruin everyone else’s day too.