Sorry if I’m the millionth to ask this, but what are some good trustworthy email providers? Even if paid. But if I’m paying it’d best if it’s privacy focused. Thanks!

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Migadu! Prices are fair in my opinion, and it’s bring your own email client (ie no webmail iirc) and bring your own domain… They also feel less “corporate-y” than Tuta or Proton. I have accounts with all three but I like migadu the most. If something happens, I don’t lose all my emails/need to change emails cause my email will still be JetpackJackson@<domain name>. Also, if you’re a student, they have a discount that you can email them about.

    Also, Disroot is cool too but I don’t use them that much since I have three other emails to deal with lol